Business owners talk a lot about marketing and attracting new clients. But did you know that equal effort should be put into becoming an attractive employer, too?
Knowing how to make you and your business the number one choice for talent is a crucial part of ensuring business growth. When you understand how to communicate with people before, during, and after the hiring process you can better assess if they’re a good fit for the company and the role, and what you can do to make them more productive and happier in the long run.
Whether that’s adding incentives, adjusting work culture, or giving out trainings, becoming a choice employer can easily be attained with these simple tips.
In the final episode with Tony Fraser-Jones, we talk about how you, as an employer and entrepreneur, attract and keep the best talent to scale and expand your business.
What’s Discussed In This Episode:
0:00 The Opportunity Assessment
5:03 Your Employee’s Worth
7:28 Marketing to Future Team Members
8:10 Having a Well-organized Business
9:58 Telling Your Story
14:09 It’s a Sales Process
15:26 Role of Incentives
18:25 Being a Better Leader
About Our Guest
Tony Fraser-Jones is the founder and managing director of Profitable Tradie. Over the last eight years, Profitable Tradie has worked with over 254 businesses and specialised in helping plumbers, electricians, and other tradespeople make more profit and create freedom from their business.
- The Opportunity Assessment (FREE GIVEAWAY FOR A LIMITED TIME)
- Join our global community of 6000+ trade professionals
- Check out the Profitable Tradie website
- Listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of this series:
- How to Forecast Your Team Building
- Happy Staff – Using Internal Net Promoter Score
Books mentioned in this episode:
- The Profitable Tradie by Tony Fraser-Jones
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