TSS120-The evolution of an every day necessity

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Evolution looks easy to hip new products, but what about the classics?

Guest: Greg Waters from Saniflo

If we look at some of the most successful products and services of the last 10 – 20 years, the majority of them are an example of evolution as opposed to creation. Does it appear that way on the surface? Not always, however if we dig a little deeper it’s the reality.

When Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone back in 1876, he could never have imagined that his invention would turn into a device that 74% of us are using to consume this content on right now.

When Karl Benz created what we today know as the ‘modern car’ back in 1886, he could never have foreseen back then that it would evolve to a product that would see 18.4 million registered vehicles in Australia alone in 2016 and almost 300 million in the USA.

That’s almost a car a person in the USA, who come in at 326,240,641 at the time of me writing this post.

You can check the population yourself at this link to see how much it’s grown since.

Or what about something a little more close to home.
If you’re listening to this podcast (or planning to) from your phone, you’ll be consuming data in the form of MP3.

MP3 was first publicly released back in 1993 but it never gained any traction until the early 2000’s.
Until that point it was not made clear why ANYONE would want, let alone need a device that could (back then) store 8 GIG of data.

Then in 2001 under the leadership of the late Steve Jobs, Apple Inc released the very first iPod.
So, “How did Apple gain market traction in a environment that didn’t care about having 8 GIG of storage in their pocket?”, I hear you ask.

Simple. Messaging. Apple didn’t try to sell a device that stored 8 GIG of data. They sold a device that stored your entire music collection in your pocket.

So where am I going with this story of evolution?

In todays episode I’m talking about the evolution of something that’s a little more relevant to The Site Shed.

Drum roll…………………The toilet.


Greg Waters joins me on the show today to talk about the journey that Saniflo have taken to evolve the humble toilet. With the release of their new Sanicompact unit, they had to jump through ALL of the hoops and cut through all of the red tape along the way.
Everything from market research, through to compliance and certification…across multiple markets and authorities, I might add.

It was fascinating to learn about the crazy road that innovators like Saniflo travel down to bring improved products to our doorsteps.
For those of you that are thinking about launching a new product, or innovating an existing, this podcast could potentially save you loads of time and money.

You can find out more about Greg and the Saniflo team and specifically the Sanicompact unit we refer to in this podcast at the Saniflo website.

I hope you enjoy this episode and once again, PLEASE leave us a review at iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud, or YouTube.

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