To have a successful membership program depends on your ability to market it to your customers. As a business owner, you need to get out of the mindset of being a builder into the mindset of being an educator. You’re here to give people solutions to their programs. So take a page from the time you were learning the trade and give them the right content to fit their needs. Marketing might look like a daunting task, but if you want to play the long game, you have to do it. Thankfully, we have an expert here to give us some tips.
In Part 3 of the ‘Building a recurring income model into your trade business with memberships’ series, Parker Williams comes back and shares with us how to market membership programs and service agreements to ensure the longevity of your organization.
If you’re a former tradesman, now business owner who wants to run a successful membership program, then this episode is perfect for you.
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What’s Discussed In This Episode:
- Marketing your service agreements to past, present, future customers [03:57]
- The three parts to marketing: the lead magnet, tripwire, and membership program [11:51]
- Why some programs fail [20:00]
- The process for training your people to sell service agreements [21:44]
- Should you have separate sales reps and service technicians [24:29]
- The importance of simplicity [29:13]
- How to price membership programs [35:57]
- Using technology to simplify the process [38:06]
About Our Guest
Kurry Co-Founder, The Service Hub Podcast Co-Host, Owner of Wasatch Bike Pros: Mobile Bike Shop, and Sales and Marketing Analyst Parker Willams join us in The Site Shed to talk about recurring income, how he began using it to help other businesses grow and what it truly is as well as how it works.
Three years ago he was working on his mobile bike shop and was coming to the end of the season. He dreamt of having a recurring business model as he was starting a family. He ran into a friend who introduced him to membership programs and service agreements and later offered him work with their business. Parker Williams moved up to a Sales and Marketing Analyst within months and started teaching membership programs, service agreements, and recurring income.
Later on, he decided to apply this knowledge to his business and help other businesses use this same method. He has then helped other businesses to reach up to $10 million in recurring revenue. They also recently created a software that also generated close to $20,000 in just one month.
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