Do you ever feel like you should be getting paid for quoting, or bidding?
Series: How to stop competing on price and getting paid for bids, quotes & proposals
Cohost: Greg Hamlyn from Trades Coaching
With the recent ongoing discussions we’ve been having around firstly, competing on price and secondly getting paid for doing quotations, I’ve invited Greg Hamlyn from Trades Coaching and Builders Profits onto the show to discuss the tactics he teaches to his clients in these specific areas.
Greg has been working with trade base organisations for a very long time and his expertise is well regarded in both the local Australian market, as well as the USA. With offices and staff in both countries, Greg and his team constantly strive to add value to businesses they work with and in this series, I’m glad to say that some of that value will be past on to our listeners also.
Episode 3. Getting paid for bids, quotes and proposals
A lot of work goes into preparing a detailed bid, proposal. If done correctly, there’s a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration and once that proposal has been submitted top the prospect (as they’re typically not yet a customer), you’re effectively handing over a whole bunch of detailed intellectual property.
The problem is that if your proposals are detailed and a lot of work has gone into them, once submitted, it leaves you exposed. The prospect basically has all of the information they need in order to simply hand it to the next builder and have them tender off the work you’ve done.
In this podcast, Greg and I talk about how to start charging for that service, so that you can justify the time you’ve taken to create it, while at the same time have the prospect qualify themselves with their wallet.
Enjoy the podcast and please, share it with someone else who might like it.
Greg and the ‘Trades Coaching Team’ have generously prepared these epic business tools for The Site Shed listeners for absolutely FREE.
Make sure you grab them, they’re game changers!