This pandemic has created not just a panic towards our physical well-being but is affecting us in so many other ways. Business owners are stressed, they seem to think that hope is lost and are running out of ideas on how to make their businesses stronger even in the face of this crisis.
In this episode, Al and Ellen provide practical help to all business owners who are struggling now. They believe that something, in fact, a lot of things can still be done to emerge stronger after this crisis. We will talk about refining business objectives, the role of communication to get your business’s message across, seizing and spotting of the right opportunities that this crisis presents, and a lot more.
If you are a business owner finding it hard to navigate through this crisis yet bent on emerging stronger when this is all over, this episode might just be what you need.
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What’s Discussed In This Episode:
- Who to listen to during this crisis [8:43]
- Refining business objectives with the changes happening [9:53]
- Why having systems in place prior to this crisis is important [12:41]
- The critical role of communication during a crisis [15:36]
- How triage makes us focus on what’s important [16:18]
- Al’s narrative on how he survived past crises with the right attitude [21:17]
- Seizing the opportunity to step into greatness [24:55]
- Understanding your KFP (Known Financial Position) [27:50]
- Taking the proactive approach and rising to the challenges [30:57]
- Adapting to better processes to emerge stronger [33:10]
- Why documenting your processes are important [34:12]
- The blessing of technology in this crisis [34:32]
- Accountability and corrective action [37:12]
- Team building in a crisis [39:19]
- Using this crisis to transition to a different path [43:18]
- The acquisition letter in finding new businesses [44:28]
About Our Guests
Al Levi is president of The 7-Power Contractor (formerly Appleseed Business), a business consulting and training firm that has helped hundreds of service and installation-based contracting businesses run better, since 2002. He also is a columnist for Plumbing & Mechanical (PM) magazine and Reeves Journal, and the author of “The 7-Power Contractor: Run Your Contracting Business With Less Stress and More Success,” which lays out seven simple business powers that hundreds of owners have implemented successfully, often transforming their businesses.
Ellen Rohr known as The Plumbers Wife is also The Business Makeover Expert® who teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. She is a columnist for Huffington Post, PHC News, and a contributor to many business journals and trade magazines. She provides “in the trenches” insight that business owners can relate to.
Connect with me on LinkedIn. For more podcast episodes, you may also visit my website. Tune in and subscribe to The Site Shed: You can also listen to The Site Shed on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.
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