Series: Why most family businesses DON’T work.
Cohost: Al Levi from Appleseed Business
Series Overview.
Al Levi, author of ‘The 7 Power Contractor’ returns to the microphone once again to invest his time and knowledge into educating us all about the vast business knowledge he has acquired over the years. Al has been an amazing asset to The Site Shed podcast, already appearing in the following episodes, which you should definitely go check out.
We get to learn about about Al and his background as a plumber in New York City in this podcast.
Episode 46. From A-B with Al Levi
The ‘Powering Your Business’ Series offers an amazing insight into three of the seven specific areas of business that Al teaches in his book, ‘The 7 Power Contractor’.
Episode 56. Planning Power
Episode 57. Operating Power
Episode 58. Staffing Power
In this series, Al is teaching us all about family business and why so few of them work out.
Al grew up working in a family business with his Dad and his two older brothers in Long island, New York and like any family run business, he experienced problems. It was these experiences that led him to develop amazing processes around making family businesses run optimally.
This is first hand knowledge, from a very experienced expert.
Episode 1. Org Charts (Organisational Charts)
Having an Org Chart (Organisational Chart) in your business provides clarity around what everyone needs to be focussing on to help the business move forward to reach it’s goals.
In this podcast, Al talks about back when he was working in his family business with his brothers, there were many scenarios where more than one person was doing exactly the same task because they thought it was their role.
By communicating what each individual was responsible for and in what specific area of the business, Al was able to make the business far more efficient and far more profitable.
Interestingly, Al believes that every business of every size needs to have an organisational charts implemented, even if it’s just a single man band because as the business grows, it makes it clear, what roles someone needs to fill.
Enter your details to receive chapter one of ‘The 7 Power Contractor’
and bonus material that Al has put together for FREE.