Injury Prevention is the best way to stay fit & healthy.
As it’s currently Tradies National Health Month, I thought it would be appropriate to have a guest on the show that not only deals with post trauma, but also pre trauma. It’s all about injury prevention in this episode of Toolbox Talks.
It makes sense that the best way to treat an injury is not to get injured in the first place, so a lot of our message this month is based around getting access to the right information and resources, in oder for you listeners to make some positive changes.
Amanda is a physiotherapist and a Pilates instructor, located on the South Coast of NSW.
According to the Medical Dictionary, Pilates is a series of nonimpact exercises designed by Joseph Pilates to develop strength,flexibility, balance, and inner awareness.
As Amanda eludes to during this podcast, pilates is philosophy that builds strength in core muscles, stabilising muscles and the mind. The aim is to build a solid foundation so that when you need to perform everyday exercises (like lifting, reaching, crouching, running, even walking and sitting), your body mobile and strong enough in the right areas.
It was interesting to hear Amanda say that it’s not uncommon for patients come in that may be fit and strong, but have weak foundations. The society we live in rewards six packs, but doesn’t take into consideration the relevance of that six pack being correctly supported by core and stabilising muscles.
Amanda’s unique approach to injury prevention comes as a result of being able to apply both what she knows from being a physio and what she knows from being a pilates instructor, which results in a holistic perspective on the ecosystem that is our body.
Enjoy this podcast and if you have any questions, you can comment in the show notes below.
You can also reach out to Amanda at the following places:
[email protected]